Museo y Yacimiento Arqueológico de las Eretas

Ruta: Inicio >> El Museo Arqueológico >> Audiovisuales para todos >> El poblado de Las Eretas

The fortified village of Las Eretas

Trilingual audiovisual (Spanish, English and Basque) lasting 15 minutes (excluding credits) which combines videos, maps, photographs and drawings. The production is aimed at the general public and secondary-school students. The script is structured in three main thematic blocks:

  • First, it explains the importance of using a good archaeological methodology as key to the investigation of man’s most distant past.
  • The central part of the production presents a historical reconstruction of the period from the Neolithic/Bronze Age to the conquest of the Iberian Peninsula by the Roman army, with special emphasis on the adoption throughout the Iron Age of the cultural novelties of continental (Urnfield) and oriental (Iberian culture) origin: settlement, habitat, funeral rituals, economy, technology, crafts, religion, writing, trading relations, etc.
  • The last few minutes of the audiovisual focus on the village of Las Eretas in Berbinzana: discovery, excavation planning and process, results, defensive system, urban planning and construction phases.
Ondare Zain Gobierno de Navarra Reyno de Navarra

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Museos de Navarra